This year marks the triumphant return of EA Sports College Football 25 after a decade-long hiatus and brings with it all of the familiar systems and mechanisms from other EA sports titles, including Ultimate Team.
Assembling a team using Campus Heroes and Legends before pitting them against other teams is a daunting task, with a myriad of options available to sift through.
Starting off with a beginner team from a given school, you will have to take on a sequence of tasks to build up the Team OVR and continue your advance to the top. These Challenges have multiple Tiers, the completion of which grant card Packs and the in-game currency dubbed Coins, with which your team can be bolstered further.
These scenarios span difficulties and complexities, but encourage you to learn certain specific systems and reward you for their completion with Items, Packs, and Coins. The Milestones in Ultimate Team 101 and 102 are the recommended starting point for a quick infusion of Coins and Packs as you strengthen your team with your winnings. Over and above the default Challenges, more will be added as the season progresses.
<h2 class="wp-blosports bettingck-heading”>Player Items
College Football 25 has tiered Player Item rarities determined by color, and these range from:
- Grey: Common
- Green: Uncommon
- Blue: Rare
- Purple: Epic
- Gold: Legendary
This should be a fairly familiar color scheme to the vast majority of players. Flipping the Player Item over with the right stick allows a view of all of the Abilities granted by the Item when equipped by a given player.
There are myriad Abilities to be unlocked and equipped, but their active use is delimited by a point limit for AP. The unlocks are accomplished through Training which opens up buckets for both mental and physical abilities. The Training costs are earned by quickselling Player Items, which is a permanent action, so be careful.
Field Pass
The counterpart to Battle Passes and the like in other live-service games, the Field Pass is a multi-tiered progression mechanic with a variety of rewards ranging from Coins to Players, as well as Packs and Items. The season Pass will rotate, as will the various Objectives and Challenges that can be accomplished to earn the XP put towards the pass progression. Most game modes earn some measure of XP that goes towards the Field Pass.
Those are all the basics covering Ultimate Team in EA Sports College Football 25.