State of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka: Are Government Policies Effective in Controlling it?

The writer is Professor of Medicine, Director, Cardio-Metabolic Institute, New Jersey, U.S.A.

NEW JERSEY, Apr 28 2021 (IPS) – The SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) affected the entire world; many died, millions got sick, and the misery continues. Second and third waves of SARS.Cov-2 infection are devastating most countries.

Non-strategic lockdowns and curfews (as in Sri Lanka) further aggravated the peoples’ misery, sufferings, daily lives, and economies, more than that from the virus. The toxic combination of COVID-19 and curfews devastated local productions and supply chains, livelihoods, people welfare, food security, and the county’s economy.

Many …

Covid-19: Brazil’s Bolsonaro trumps Trump

SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 21 2020 (IPS) – Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro appointed medical entrepreneur Nelson Teich his new health minister on 17 April. The businessman quickly his boss’ desire to resume business as usual regardless of its potentially lethal consequences.

Bolsonaro had his previous health minister, displeased by Luiz Henrique Mandetta’s public remarks on the need for lockdowns and physical distancing. Mandetta’s firing was met with outrage across Brazil. Locked-down citizens “Bolsonaro Murder”.

Anis Chowdhury

In his final briefing as minister, Mandetta staff to challenge “denialism” and mount an “unyielding defen…

How Women-centred Digital Platforms can Enhance Empowerment

Women’s empowerment is a crucial aim of the social networking site Fuzia. Credit: Fuzia

NEW YORK, Jan 4 2021 (IPS) – A cherished snapshot of a happy mother and a smiling grandmother is universally associated with a good childhood. In the movies, TV, or media, a broken or depressed mother’s face is hardly seen. But the reality is somewhat different. The measures communities and society take to ensure that women and girls are protected and supported are often questioned.

Shraddha Varma, co-founder, and director of social networking site Fuzia believes in enhancing women’s lives.

“Women empowerment is incomplete without key aspects like health, well…